Makandra Corporate Design
Corporate design is the central element of a company's identity and plays a key role in shaping its visual appearance.
The corporate design is characterized by the consistent use and optimal interaction of the four basic elements of color, typography, logo and layout.
The individual guidelines are clearly structured so that they are easy to apply. The design guidelines set out in this manual are binding for all future print and digital projects.
The brand name
The modern, clear and sans serif lettering “makandra” is set in lower case. The font weights are all the same width. The “m”, as well as the “n” and the “r” are emphasized by its special shape, or a cut of the letter. The separation results in individual dots that visualize an automated software test. One point and the corner of the “a” are highlighted in color. The tip of the corner is at an exact 90-degree angle to the letter “a”.
The word “makandra” is also always written in lower case in the body text.
Variants and downloads
The makandra logo is always placed in the CI colors. Other placement options on different colors are shown below. The logo is always placed directly on clear backgrounds without any other background elements.
In 1c documents, the logo is placed inverted. The logo is only placed in black on white backgrounds and only in white on black backgrounds. The latter also applies to backgrounds with a color gradient. For reasons of visual uniformity, it is not permitted to use the logo in a different color.
The word mark can be placed on the color gradient from the color palette, but also on images. The variant that offers maximum contrast to the background must always be selected.

The icon
The makandra icon is always used when the word mark in the illustration would be too small. It can also be used as a design element in all designs. The same guidelines apply as for the word mark.
An “m” as identity - with this content message, the icon acts as a unique and memorable statement for highly specific know-how. The “m” with three integrated dots visualizes an automated software test.
The icon can be placed anywhere and in any size. Printed or online, it is intended to interpret what it is. The makandra identity stands for the development of complex software solutions, websites and hosting. makandra offers competent, technical expertise for all digital projects.

All content uses a consistent color palette of a few tones to achieve maximum recognition. The primary makandra brand colors are Licorice, Amaranth and the Pink-Peach gradient. The gray tones form the extended color palette.

rgb(255, 255, 255)
cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 0%)
hsl(0, 0%, 100%)

rgb(219, 219, 219)
cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 14%)
hsl(0, 0%, 86%)
PANTONE Cool Gray 1 C

rgb(175, 175, 175)
cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 31%)
hsl(0, 0%, 67%)
PANTONE Cool Gray 5 C

rgb(98, 98, 98)
cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 62%)
hsl(0, 0%, 38%)
PANTONE Cool Gray 10 C

rgb(20, 18, 16)
cmyk(70%, 65%, 6%, 85%)
hsl(30, 11%, 7%)

rgb(230, 29, 71)
cmyk(0%, 95%, 60%, 0%)
hsl(347.5, 80.1%, 50.8%)

rgb(255, 8, 68)
cmyk(0%, 97%, 73%, 0%)
hsl(345, 100%, 52%)

rgb(255, 177, 153)
cmyk(0%, 31%, 40%, 0%)
hsl(14, 100%, 80%)

linear-gradient(90deg, #FF0844 0%, #FFB199 100%)
Use the gradient only for highlighting headlines, CTA banners & teasers, graphic icons, separators and large numbers.
Usage of gradients
The gradient is only used from pink to peach (not the other way around). It is used to emphasize certain words and sections and should be used to a limited extent. Examples of use are
- individual words in headings
- graphic icons
- dividing lines
- large numbers
- important areas such as CTA banners, teaser areas, chapter slides

The makandra brand uses the League Spartan and Open Sans font families. This combination results in a fresh and modern typeface.
League Spartan
League Spartan is used for headlines. The font is used exclusively in bold and with capital letters.

Open Sans

Source Code Pro
Source Code Pro can be used for code snippets. Only the regular cut may be used.

Usage as web font
The easiest way to integrate both font families is via Google Fonts.
Google Fonts makes it possible to limit the required character set and the desired font styles. Each style (e.g. Light, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic) means that the user has to download a separate font file of a significant size. Therefore, if possible, no more than 3 weights should be selected. Latin” is usually sufficient as a character set.
The standard Normal and Bold weights can be integrated using the following external stylesheet
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">